Monday, September 27, 2010

What is it with the moon?

An urban dweller's question: How come the moon was directly overhead this morning and the size of a dime and last week we saw it go down in the first few minutes of the walk the size of a giant pumpkin? I know about the refraction factor at the horizon but what gives with the location difference? It was the highest temperature in recent weeks this morning, 16 C, and dry. Shorts, no coat and still we worked up a sweat. Very humid, left over from the rain of yesterday. Generally, we take Saturdays off and Sundays we walk when we can. Yesterday morning, Sunday, was a "soft" rain as the Irish say under umbrellas. It seemed like a grind and we projected our discontent onto the woodpeckers who seemed to be congregating for a meeting about whether to leave or not. Apparently the Northern Flickers we see in the winter are not the one's we see in summer. Those who are resident in the warmer months go south and the one's who were farther north come here for winter. This happens all over North America, with some Flickers going as far south as Mexico. We are sorry to see our summer flock go and will miss their screeching call. Our consolation is that the sprightly Juncos are back having parties in the bushes.

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